Futuristic N-Z
This page is for games which are set in a "futuristic" setting such as cyberpunk, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic wasteland etc where the name of the game starts with N-Z
Orion Sphere
Orion Sphere LRP is a science fiction live roleplay game set in the distant future of our own galaxy. Humanity has discovered faster-than-light travel and colonised a large area of space, only to encounter alien empires of equivalent power. The four major Factions vie over part of the Milky Way galaxy centred on the Sol system, about 10,000 light-years across, which even the most advanced vessels would take many months to traverse.
The story begins after a period of increasing tension, as the mysterious Spacer Collective invites selected groups from each Faction to hire out its unique starships, equipped with arcane Jump Drive technology. These ships offer the opportunity to carry small crews instantly over vast distances, opening up fresh horizons for research, expansion and warfare. Players are invitees of the Spacer Collective and its partner Mega-Corps - the select few who can intervene in critical events to influence the fate of the Orion Sphere.
Events represent interventions by the neutral MegaCorps at the behest of local planetary authorities. Each event will provide opportunities to engage with local issues on planet, and also hire Jump Drive-equipped ships to travel elsewhere in known space and complete all manner of public (and secret) missions. Player groups will have the chance to earn ludicrous profits, discover unknown worlds, build the power of their factions and increase their own status and reputation, all while under the watchful eye of the MegaCorps.
The story begins after a period of increasing tension, as the mysterious Spacer Collective invites selected groups from each Faction to hire out its unique starships, equipped with arcane Jump Drive technology. These ships offer the opportunity to carry small crews instantly over vast distances, opening up fresh horizons for research, expansion and warfare. Players are invitees of the Spacer Collective and its partner Mega-Corps - the select few who can intervene in critical events to influence the fate of the Orion Sphere.
Events represent interventions by the neutral MegaCorps at the behest of local planetary authorities. Each event will provide opportunities to engage with local issues on planet, and also hire Jump Drive-equipped ships to travel elsewhere in known space and complete all manner of public (and secret) missions. Player groups will have the chance to earn ludicrous profits, discover unknown worlds, build the power of their factions and increase their own status and reputation, all while under the watchful eye of the MegaCorps.
As the 27th century draws to a close, six great Civilisations occupy a volume of space in the core of one of the spiral arms of the milky way galaxy.
The Earth Empire, inheritors of Humanity's homeworld, proud, progressively feudal and pious.
The Federation of Humanity, former revolutionaries, now the ultimate expression of objectivist capitalism.
The Co-Operative, the fringe element of the human race. anarchist groundbreakers, egalitarian glory hounds.
The Many. an arthropodic species with a religious drive to expand their civilisation throughout the universe
The Collegiate Assembly of the Tribe of Zebulon, a society of reptilian hominids for whom knowledge truly is power.
The Distributed Process, a non organic civilisation exploring the boundaries of space and thought.
Each is dependant on the exotic element ardanium for trade, travel and war. with ardanium a ship can bend spacetime and traverse the gradient thus created, defeating the circumstances limiting normal velocities to 300,000 kilometers a second.
But ardanium is rare, and while each civilisation has many commercial and civilian ships, and maintains a modest military fleet, stockpiles are dwindling. less and less is found each year, despite concerted survey efforts on all fronts.
Now, though, the newly discovered world of Reddeluto looks set to change the balance. A shaky treaty, signed by all six Civilisations, prevents all out war, and limits exploitation of the planet's mineral resources to on-foot, old fashioned prospecting and the staking of claims. Because Reddeluto is thought to hold many, many times the amount of ardanium so far gathered by all six Civilisations combined.
The Earth Empire, inheritors of Humanity's homeworld, proud, progressively feudal and pious.
The Federation of Humanity, former revolutionaries, now the ultimate expression of objectivist capitalism.
The Co-Operative, the fringe element of the human race. anarchist groundbreakers, egalitarian glory hounds.
The Many. an arthropodic species with a religious drive to expand their civilisation throughout the universe
The Collegiate Assembly of the Tribe of Zebulon, a society of reptilian hominids for whom knowledge truly is power.
The Distributed Process, a non organic civilisation exploring the boundaries of space and thought.
Each is dependant on the exotic element ardanium for trade, travel and war. with ardanium a ship can bend spacetime and traverse the gradient thus created, defeating the circumstances limiting normal velocities to 300,000 kilometers a second.
But ardanium is rare, and while each civilisation has many commercial and civilian ships, and maintains a modest military fleet, stockpiles are dwindling. less and less is found each year, despite concerted survey efforts on all fronts.
Now, though, the newly discovered world of Reddeluto looks set to change the balance. A shaky treaty, signed by all six Civilisations, prevents all out war, and limits exploitation of the planet's mineral resources to on-foot, old fashioned prospecting and the staking of claims. Because Reddeluto is thought to hold many, many times the amount of ardanium so far gathered by all six Civilisations combined.
Rite of Passage
Exile! For your crimes you have been banished from the loving arms of the Protectorate, and now lie choking in the dust of the Wastes. There is but one way to atone your sins and be welcomed back to civilisation's warm embrace - The Rites. Gather your fellows, compete against those who would see you remain scrabbling in the dirt, and for those who triumph - ascension awaits.
This is a game about personal hope - the hope of earning a better life for yourself back in civilization. This is a game about societal hope - the hope that in your success, you can change an unfair and broken world for the better. This is a game about conflict and competition - a non-lethal PvP game of prowess in the Rites (an IC ritualised sport loosely based on the videogame Pyre). This is a game about diplomacy and negotiation - if you cannot win, perhaps you can convince those who might win to make the changes you seek. This is a game about risk and reward - gamble on the rites, use powerful artefacts which could help or hinder you, make the big plays that could pay off spectacularly. This is a game for characters who are outsiders, revolutionaries, outcasts, and troublemakers.
Player characters are exiles, banished to the Wastes, and participating in the Rites as their only hope of returning to the Protectorate. Any that return will do so into positions of influence and power (the character will no longer be playable, but can make changes to the setting and send letters back to be delivered at the next event). There will be a limited number of opportunities to return, which will be obtained through the Rites and some related trials.
There will be competition for resources, and particularly for those opportunities for returning to the Protectorate. There will be no character death during the game, and no combat outside of the Rites.
Players may be:
This is a game about personal hope - the hope of earning a better life for yourself back in civilization. This is a game about societal hope - the hope that in your success, you can change an unfair and broken world for the better. This is a game about conflict and competition - a non-lethal PvP game of prowess in the Rites (an IC ritualised sport loosely based on the videogame Pyre). This is a game about diplomacy and negotiation - if you cannot win, perhaps you can convince those who might win to make the changes you seek. This is a game about risk and reward - gamble on the rites, use powerful artefacts which could help or hinder you, make the big plays that could pay off spectacularly. This is a game for characters who are outsiders, revolutionaries, outcasts, and troublemakers.
Player characters are exiles, banished to the Wastes, and participating in the Rites as their only hope of returning to the Protectorate. Any that return will do so into positions of influence and power (the character will no longer be playable, but can make changes to the setting and send letters back to be delivered at the next event). There will be a limited number of opportunities to return, which will be obtained through the Rites and some related trials.
There will be competition for resources, and particularly for those opportunities for returning to the Protectorate. There will be no character death during the game, and no combat outside of the Rites.
Players may be:
- Participants in the Rites, a ritualised fantasy sport using LARP combat mechanics
- Visionaries, giving out long-term buffs by creating visions for others from randomly selected story elements
- Supporters, supporting a team during the rites by invoking effects which help or hinder players
- Alchemists, creating consumable items from scavenged or bartered resources
- Purgers, diagnosing and treating magical curses
- Traders, with a regular income of money and items
Ruined Future LARP
First came the end. Nobody knows who launched first. Well somebody probably does, but it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is what came after.
After came the few survivors, scavenging, picking through the irradiated rubble and collapsed buildings. Finding what they could to survive. Most of them failed. It's believed that far more perished in the weeks after than the bombs claimed, succumbing to the slow death of radiation sickness.
But some survived, not many, but some. These pockets of survivors clung on, some through sheer tenacity, others through inventiveness and the lucky few who were prepared. Some of these survivors banded together and formed small communities, working together with their meager resources to protect each other. Others formed raider clans, taking what they needed from the other communities, either by threats or by force. But they survived by whatever means they could.
Then came the disappearances. Sometimes one or two individuals, sometimes whole settlements. Nobody knows where they went, or what caused it, but it was quickly realised that the ones that disappeared were always loud. Once again the survivors adapted, weapons were made as quiet as possible. Gunpowder was replaced by air pressure or battery power. Almost as lethal, but far quieter. People still vanished in the night, but less often.
For thirty years this has been the situation. But now a new force has arisen, calling themselves The Authority, this group claims to be the remnants of the government, military and upper classes, who have emerged from their bunkers to once again assume control of the country. Some welcome them, others are intent on fighting them to defend the way of life they've built for themselves. This is where we find ourselves now, after the end.
After came the few survivors, scavenging, picking through the irradiated rubble and collapsed buildings. Finding what they could to survive. Most of them failed. It's believed that far more perished in the weeks after than the bombs claimed, succumbing to the slow death of radiation sickness.
But some survived, not many, but some. These pockets of survivors clung on, some through sheer tenacity, others through inventiveness and the lucky few who were prepared. Some of these survivors banded together and formed small communities, working together with their meager resources to protect each other. Others formed raider clans, taking what they needed from the other communities, either by threats or by force. But they survived by whatever means they could.
Then came the disappearances. Sometimes one or two individuals, sometimes whole settlements. Nobody knows where they went, or what caused it, but it was quickly realised that the ones that disappeared were always loud. Once again the survivors adapted, weapons were made as quiet as possible. Gunpowder was replaced by air pressure or battery power. Almost as lethal, but far quieter. People still vanished in the night, but less often.
For thirty years this has been the situation. But now a new force has arisen, calling themselves The Authority, this group claims to be the remnants of the government, military and upper classes, who have emerged from their bunkers to once again assume control of the country. Some welcome them, others are intent on fighting them to defend the way of life they've built for themselves. This is where we find ourselves now, after the end.
Serenity LRP
Roleplaying in the Firefly / Serenity Universe
Stargate LRP
Stargate LRP is where everyone can explore the galaxy, be a part of an elite Stargate team and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to save the day, and have a great time doing it.
Stargate LRP is a Sci-Fi live action role-play society inspired by the popular film Stargate, and the television series Stargate SG-1. We are a not for profit live role playing society, run by role-players for role-players. After all these years Stargate LRP has consistently provided new players and long term members an immersive and fun experience that makes people keep coming back to see a little more.
Stargate LRP is a Sci-Fi live action role-play society inspired by the popular film Stargate, and the television series Stargate SG-1. We are a not for profit live role playing society, run by role-players for role-players. After all these years Stargate LRP has consistently provided new players and long term members an immersive and fun experience that makes people keep coming back to see a little more.
The Gritlands
Welcome to The Gritlands, a grimly hilarious new post-apocalyptic LARP event like none other.
The year is 2277, the old world is gone and forgotten. The United Kingdom is completely and utterly wrecked, and in its place stands a remorseless, deadly and grimly hilarious new world. To it’s weird, wonderful and often deadly inhabitants, this strange new world is known only as... The Gritlands.
The year is 2277, the old world is gone and forgotten. The United Kingdom is completely and utterly wrecked, and in its place stands a remorseless, deadly and grimly hilarious new world. To it’s weird, wonderful and often deadly inhabitants, this strange new world is known only as... The Gritlands.
The Tithing LARP
“In penance for their uprising, each Province shall offer up two citizens over the age of 14 at a public ‘Harvest’.
These Tithes shall be delivered to the custody of The Metropole, and then transferred to a public arena where they will Fight to the Death until a lone Champion remains. Henceforth and forever more, this pageant shall be known as The Tithing."
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Tithing. The Head Gamemaker, Portia Rose, has devised a special revision of the rules to celebrate the occasion. This year, each Province must offer up twice the number of Tithes to fight in the Arena. Forty-eight will go in, but only one will come out.
Who will live and who will die? Welcome to the Tithing, and may the odds be
ever in your favour."
The Tithing is a 24hr time-in, PvPvE survival combat LARP inspired by The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It is a small-scale event, with the potential for subsequent events, and will run from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. There will be 48 player spaces available.
These Tithes shall be delivered to the custody of The Metropole, and then transferred to a public arena where they will Fight to the Death until a lone Champion remains. Henceforth and forever more, this pageant shall be known as The Tithing."
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Tithing. The Head Gamemaker, Portia Rose, has devised a special revision of the rules to celebrate the occasion. This year, each Province must offer up twice the number of Tithes to fight in the Arena. Forty-eight will go in, but only one will come out.
Who will live and who will die? Welcome to the Tithing, and may the odds be
ever in your favour."
The Tithing is a 24hr time-in, PvPvE survival combat LARP inspired by The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It is a small-scale event, with the potential for subsequent events, and will run from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. There will be 48 player spaces available.
We are Legends LARP
"The world wasn't perfect, but it was a damn sight better than it is today. We had internet, computers, every home had water, and you were happy to deal with the occasional cold or chest infection for the privilege... or so you thought.
They figured they were doing the world a favour, those Novamed lot in the States. You got any idea how many people used to die a year due to lower respiratory infections, kid? Well... me neither, to be honest... but it was a lot. Big killer, that was. So when the medical types said they had a cure that'd wipe those infections off the face of the Earth, people were calling it a 'miracle'.
Miracles, hah. They don't exist.
They released the damn thing into the air, and... and I dunno what happened, but the drug changed. Within months, almost everyone I knew was dead, and those that weren't were... something else. They turned into these mindless killing machines. Fifty years ago, that was. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
But people like you and me, kid? We're survivors. In the history books of the future, we are legends."
We Are Legends LARP is a game that focuses on survival in a world where our real world was the height of human achievement before it all came crashing down. As well as utilising some of the more traditional elements of larp, we also look at the psychological aspects of living in a harsh world where people need to make tough decisions to survive. Things will scare you, death will shake you, and even the toughest of all may end up mentally broken by this new world....
But you will survive.
You are legends.
They figured they were doing the world a favour, those Novamed lot in the States. You got any idea how many people used to die a year due to lower respiratory infections, kid? Well... me neither, to be honest... but it was a lot. Big killer, that was. So when the medical types said they had a cure that'd wipe those infections off the face of the Earth, people were calling it a 'miracle'.
Miracles, hah. They don't exist.
They released the damn thing into the air, and... and I dunno what happened, but the drug changed. Within months, almost everyone I knew was dead, and those that weren't were... something else. They turned into these mindless killing machines. Fifty years ago, that was. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
But people like you and me, kid? We're survivors. In the history books of the future, we are legends."
We Are Legends LARP is a game that focuses on survival in a world where our real world was the height of human achievement before it all came crashing down. As well as utilising some of the more traditional elements of larp, we also look at the psychological aspects of living in a harsh world where people need to make tough decisions to survive. Things will scare you, death will shake you, and even the toughest of all may end up mentally broken by this new world....
But you will survive.
You are legends.