This is the Directory for other pages relating to the LARP Community including other forums, discussion boards, essays, blogs, photosets, "How-to" web-sites, movies, web-series, web-casts, podcasts and any other discussion around the subject of LARP.
As the content of many of these is not geographic specific we will link to non UK sites but we will only link to sites where the discussion is solely or predominantly relating to LARP or topics which would be of benefit to LARPers.
Entered so far:-
Films and Media
Basic Adventuring 101 - A web-series about LARPers
LARPS the Series - A media project about LARP
Neverland The Webseries - A web-series / sitcom focused on a groups of LARPers
Other Directories
LARP Events - A LARP Calendar
LARP Finder - A directory of LARP groups worldwide
LARPing.Org - A multi-use LARP site. Blogs, directories
LARPBook - A LARP Blog and so much more
LARP Season - A LARP Events Calendar
Blogs and Podcasts
The Geek Initiative - An RPG and LARP blog/community promoting women in geek culture
Ladies who LARP - A blog dedicated to women who LARP
LARPBook - A LARP Blog
LARP.GUIDE - A event calendar and magazine style articles
LARP Hacks - Easy practical tips to help you be a better larper
Nordic LARP - A website dedicated to Nordic style LARP
Other Community
Access: LARP - A site and community promoting accessibility in LARP
LARPFund - A system for subsidising LARP games
LarpScene - An online LARPers Magazine
UK Nerf War - A community site for Nerf fans and Modders
As the content of many of these is not geographic specific we will link to non UK sites but we will only link to sites where the discussion is solely or predominantly relating to LARP or topics which would be of benefit to LARPers.
Entered so far:-
Films and Media
Basic Adventuring 101 - A web-series about LARPers
LARPS the Series - A media project about LARP
Neverland The Webseries - A web-series / sitcom focused on a groups of LARPers
Other Directories
LARP Events - A LARP Calendar
LARP Finder - A directory of LARP groups worldwide
LARPing.Org - A multi-use LARP site. Blogs, directories
LARPBook - A LARP Blog and so much more
LARP Season - A LARP Events Calendar
Blogs and Podcasts
The Geek Initiative - An RPG and LARP blog/community promoting women in geek culture
Ladies who LARP - A blog dedicated to women who LARP
LARPBook - A LARP Blog
LARP.GUIDE - A event calendar and magazine style articles
LARP Hacks - Easy practical tips to help you be a better larper
Nordic LARP - A website dedicated to Nordic style LARP
Other Community
Access: LARP - A site and community promoting accessibility in LARP
LARPFund - A system for subsidising LARP games
LarpScene - An online LARPers Magazine
UK Nerf War - A community site for Nerf fans and Modders